Projects and Progress
Somoco Center board members and friends of the Stanton offer volunteer work to preserve and enhance the building, inside and out. One recent project involved dedicating and mounting a plaque contributed by the Native Sons of the Golden West. The plaque honors both Robert Stanton and Jo Mora on the eightieth anniversary of their great achievement.
The first and second pictures on the right show Somoco Center board member John Jernigan is shown installing the plaque.
A generous grant from the Monterey Peninsula Foundation allowed us to greatly improve the Stanton’s internal communications systems. We purchased three porta-com pro-540 4-headset prolink systems (twelve headsets and supporting gear). They arrived and are ready for all to use! Now all we need to do is get rid of the virus. Raye Ann and Lincoln are inspecting the goods. We especially thank Raye Ann for her work on this project!
The third picture on the the right shows the new communications systems being unpacked.