Lights! Sound! Action!

Lights! Sound! Action!

KCHS staff and community members participated in a happy meeting today in the Robert Stanton Theater. Musson Theatrical offered us training on the recently installed sound and lighting equipment. The brand-new speakers are great and the new lighting arrangements allow...
Booth Makeover!

Booth Makeover!

John and I arose early this morning to accept delivery of new cabinets for the booth. They’re now safe and sound on the Stanton’s balcony. We still have to clean out the booth to make room for their installation and hope to accomplish that task (with as much help as...

Our Mora Art is coming soon!

Dear Friends of the Stanton Theater, We write this note to you as poppy gold again graces our hills and lifts our spirits. It’s been several years since we’ve communicated with you about our doings. Though quietly performed, our projects have achieved much:  upgrades...

A Peek at the Booth

As Covid slowly recedes, teachers, performers and artists ready concerts and performances for the Stanton Theater. Somoco Center board members John Jernigan, Lincoln Hatch, Raye Ann Houx and Steve Schmidt made a quick inspection of the light and sound booth at the top...

A Rose by any name . . .

  Dorothy and Miguel lead the work! Covid prevented us from completing many of our customary duties, large and small, at the Stanton Theater. One of them, caring for the roses in front of the auditorium, was delayed for far more than a year. Needless to say, they...