I’m saddened to confirm that Ed and Mary Ballengee both passed away in recent weeks. They were founding board members of this organization and leaders for decades of our efforts to preserve and enhance the Stanton Theater. Their good work on behalf of young people is timeless. Every high school concert, every Nutcracker performance, every Sol Treasures drama celebrates their service to our community. They will be missed, but they are not gone.
If you knew them, you’ll agree that Mary was graceful and beautiful, Ed handsome and elegant. You’ll also agree that they led from the front. They were always first to lift their hands to a gritty or difficult job. I keep their example in mind whenever a necessary but tedious task comes my way.
Lastly, they were wonderful singers. If you believe, as I do, that music — once created — endures through eternity, then you must laud their many fine performances. They sang for many years with the Camerata Singers and took prominent roles in Stage Hands musicals. I especially recall Mary’s solo in The Sound of Music and Ed’s rendition of Ave´Maria. They raised their voices for us all and so called us forward to do the same.
Robert Walton